This is our modern day baby book! It is our prayer that years from now, Zeke and Adalynn will look back at the details of this blog and understand just how much we looked forward to meeting them and love them!

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Love Languages

I have not written much about the parenting struggles we have faced over the past several months.  About halfway through my pregnancy we started to notice a change in Zeke.  He was not the go with the flow, easy little boy he had been since birth.  He became very opinionated and STRONG willed! 

My mom kindly reminded me that I was a STRONG willed little girl.  Gregg's mom told us the story of Gregg literally running out of his kindergarten class the first day of school and climbing up a tree...seriously!  It made the local papers!  So, we are dealing with two strong willed parents.  Why was I surprised that Zeke was suddenly forming his own opinions? 

I sought out advice from mommy friends who were in the same situation or who had been there several years before.  I asked my contact (mentor) mom, Julie, for the book "Growing Kids God's Way."  They all had wonderful advice and offered support, but nothing was changing. 

Julie suggested that the issue seemed to be that he was not getting the attention and love that he needed.  He was acting out in different ways, but that seemed to be the core problem.  She said she needed time to pray about it and would get back to me with some advice. 

It broke my heart to think that he did not feel loved.  I had been trying hard to give him extra attention and quality time.  I remembered "The Five Love Languages" book and how much it helped Gregg and me to show each other love.  Years ago, we learned that I like to receive love through acts of service and he feels loved most through words of affirmation.

I wondered what Zeke's was and thought I'd remembered there being a Love Languages book for children ( 

There I downloaded it and began reading.  The second chapter teaches about the language of physical touch.  As I read it, I began to wonder if Zeke's primary love language is physical touch.  The authors say you can't tell until they are 5 years old, but it seemed to describe Zeke perfectly.

I decided to do a little experiment.  Over the next several days I just showered him with hugs, kisses, high fives, back rubs, etc.  It only took half of the first day to see a HUGE difference!  He seemed much more content, was not acting out, and was much more obedient. 

The pattern has continued over the last several days.  He is not perfect, he is human with a sin nature, after all, but the change has been dramatic. 

I was trying so hard to do "the right thing" as a parent, and I think I failed to truly seek God about what to do.  When my heart was broken, and I was at my whits ends, I FINALLY surrendered it to God.  He quickly provided me with a great resource through that book to show me what to do.

Zeke reminded me that all anybody really wants is to be loved.  God tells us in 1 John 4:8, "Anyone who does not love does not know God, because God is love."  I had become so focused on my needs being pregnant, then Adalynn's needs as a newborn that I had failed to show my son love in a way he needed to receive it. 

Of course it would be nice to have a child that obeys well for convenience sake, but the reason I should desire for him to obey is because he loves God.  It is our job as his parents to model that love above all else. 

Yes, discipline is necessary.  Proverbs 29:17 tells us, "Discipline your son, and he will give you rest; he will give delight to your heart."  Proverbs 13:24 says, "Whoever spares the rod hates his son, but he who loves him is diligent to discipline him."

But, when my own selfish desires and needs come before the needs of my children, I am not loving them with the selfless love that God gives us.  I know I will never be a perfect parent (that doesn't exist on this side of Heaven), but I am thankful for the lessons God teaches me along the way and the people He has put in my life to encourage me and hold me accountable.  I am thankful for a godly, loving, supportive husband too.  God is so good!  

Monday, May 20, 2013

Adalynn lately...

I've been looking back through old blog posts from when Zeke was Adalynn's age.  He certainly got a lot more "screen time" than she does, so I thought I'd post a quick video of just her. 

(Remember, if you are looking at this through your email, just look for the blue "Zeke and Adalynn" at the bottom of the email and click on it.  It will either take you straight to the blog or you will be prompted to login with your gmail or blogger account)

Adalynn ~ 2 Months Old

Friday, May 17, 2013

One gown...three generations

I love the fact that my mom is so good at keeping mementos.  She has managed to save the gown that she had her 6 week infant photo taken in.  She had my picture taken in it at about 6 weeks, and we took Adalynn's in it at 2 months old.  I collaged the photos to compare the three generations.  Enjoy!

Another version...

Happy Mother's Day!

Don't you see that children are God's best gift, the fruit of the womb his generous legacy? Like a warrior's fistful of arrows are the children of a vigorous youth. Oh, how blessed are you parents, with your quivers full of children! Your enemies don't stand a chance against you; you'll sweep them right off your doorstep." 
(Psalm 127:3-5, MSG)

This year for Mother's Day, I asked if Gregg would stay with Zeke for a "guys night" so Adalynn and I could go spend the night with my mom.  I have not had much alone time with Adalynn and neither has my mom!  It turned out that my sweet friend, Brandy, was in town house hunting.  They are moving to Georgia from Texas.  We got to have dinner with her and her husband the evening I was in Alpharetta.

It is kind of crazy because we'd never met in person.  We became friends through her blog,  She is a type 1 diabetic, and I emailed her to ask her some questions a couple of years ago.  We share a faith in Christ and both try to nourish our families with whole, natural foods, the way God intended.  We also share a passion for fitness.  She became a Beachbody coach and I became one shortly after to get the discount on Shakeology.  She also shared with me about Young Living essential oils.  She has been such a blessing to me and I can't wait for her to live in Georgia!

Now, back to Mother's Day!  Sunday, we woke up and took Adalynn to Perimeter church while Gregg and Zeke drove over to my parents' house.  My mom graciously provided a WONDERFUL meal made by her friend, Rosemary, who is a chef.  It was delicious!  Jared, Jami, and the girls came over after church too.

The kids had a blast playing outside most of the afternoon.  The weather could not have been more perfect.

Adalynn slept most of the time, but we managed to get a few posed shots!  Oh, and one that proved my dad was there too!

Zeke crawled into Kariss' lap since Adalynn had just been there...silly boy!

Below you'll see a few more of the kids playing.  Zeke asked Jami if he could hug Harper.  He was so sweet to walk over and give her a gentle hug.

It is hard for me to believe that my baby boy is not a baby anymore.  He is growing into a fun, kind, loving, energetic little guy.  He makes me laugh and surprises me as I see him becoming the person God made him to be.  Adalynn is developing more of a personality each day and smiles a lot.  She loves to be with people and to be held.  I've even been able to enjoy little laughs and coos much more frequently over the last week. 

I'm so thankful God chose me to be Zeke and Adalynn's mommy.  I pray you all had a blessed Mother's Day.  If it is a day of sadness for you, I pray you were comforted by our Father in Heaven.  Blessings to you all.

Friday, May 3, 2013


Adalynn Rose Nomachee Hall

We were blessed to have two beautiful baby announcements for Adalynn.  The top two are the front and back of one card designed by my talented friend, Natalie (find her on etsy in the Petit Papel shop or on Facebook).  The bottom is the announcement our photographer designed for us.  I loved them both so much that I decided to use them both.  I just randomly chose who received each invitation.  Of course, we couldn't send them to everyone, so I decided to post them here too!  I hope you enjoy them as much as we have.  Blessings to you all!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Hall kids' stats!

I just returned from the pediatrician's office with both kiddos, and I was pretty proud of myself for making it through without stressing.  Zeke was well behaved and very friendly to all the nurses and doctors.  Where did our social child come from?!!

I wanted to post their percentiles before I forgot them.  Below you'll see a picture of Zeke that is kind of blurry, but I loved his sweet smile!

Ezekiel Forrester Hall

3 years old
38 pounds (90%)
39 inches (71%)

Adalynn Rose Nomachee Hall

2 months old
11 pounds, 12 ounces (66%)
24 inches (98%)