This is our modern day baby book! It is our prayer that years from now, Zeke and Adalynn will look back at the details of this blog and understand just how much we looked forward to meeting them and love them!

Saturday, July 23, 2011

A year and a HALF!!!

First, I wanted to write a little bit about something that has been on my heart. Zeke is at an age where he needs to be disciplined, but it's hard to know the "right" way to do that. I've been reading several books about it, and love a book I'm listening to on CD called, "Shepherding a Child's Heart" by Paul Tripp. The core of the teaching is that we as parents need to give formative Biblical instruction to our children as a part of our daily routine. We can change a child's behavior with discipline, but if we are not getting to the underlying sin in the child's heart, it will not matter, eternally speaking. do you do that with a toddler? Instead of TV, we use music and books.  We feel this is the best way to teach him about the Lord at his age. We listen to hymns and praise music during the day and read Bible stories. We pray together after a spanking. Gregg and I also pray with him every night before he goes to bed. Recently, I bought a couple of scripture CDs for children. It puts verses to music to help young children memorize scripture. I have to admit that I am not very good about memorizing it myself, so I'm excited to learn these verses with Zeke. When he gets older, we will do longer passages together. This was something I did with my students at Perimeter Christian School. We as staff members were required to say the passages for the principal. I still remember all of those verses, and am thankful for that "push" to memorize them. We would greatly appreciate your prayers as we begin this journey in shepherding Zeke's heart toward the Lord, Jesus Christ!

Your word I have hidden in my heart,

That I might not sin against You. (Psalm 119:11)

Well, it is official...we have a one and a half year old!  Zeke turned 18 months old last week.  He is walking like a pro, running (a little out of control), and trying to create sentences.  When he talks, it's usually a few gibberish words, then a word that makes sense.  For example: "Bleya bele ba hat."  That's, "I want the hat." 

Here are some of his "Zeke-isms:"
  • Says "Uh-oh" a lot (even when it doesn't apply to the situation)
  • Loves to say, "Buh-bye" (with a southern drawl, of course)
  • Hangs his daddy's baseball caps on all door handles to which he has access
  • Wears baseball caps and puts them on us a lot
  • Loves to bring us books and sit in our laps as we read to him
  • Still can't get enough of his Dadda (especially playing on the couch together)
  • Still can't get enough of his Wynna either
  • Chases the cats and says, "Key-da" for "kitty cat," although he says that for Browning, our dog, too
  • Enjoys puzzles, shapes, and figuring out items that fit together
  • Loves climbing on our bed, but he's not allowed to stand up on it, which isn't quite as fun!
  • Loves climbing on anything, really
  • Every time he sees his lovey, he sucks his thumb
  • When he gets caught doing something wrong, he looks down, closes his eyes, and gives sheepish smile.  I think he thinks I can't see him!
  • He likes to grab things from the refrigerator door, then run away with his loot (usually a glass bottle...eek!)
  • Would play outside all of the time if I'd let him (and it wasn't so hot!)
  • Dances and claps his hands (to the beat) when he hears music
  • Continues to enjoy playing Peek-a-Boo
  • Is a joy to be around and I'm so thankful I get to spend my days with him!
Daddy's little mimic

Playing inside the toy box

A hat on the door handle (as mentioned above)

Two hats!


Shoes from cousin Pat!

Look at those legs!
In other news, Zeke will be starting swim lessons through Infant Swimming Resource ( next month.  This is an organization that teaches survival skills to babies and young children.  He will learn how to float on his back in the water and swim to the nearest edge.  They call it swim-float-swim.  To "test out" he has to be able to do that in summer and winter clothes.  Once he starts lessons, I'll write a post on how it is going.  I'm a little nervous about it, but I believe it could save his life.

I apologize for the large volume of posts in the past two days!  I think we're caught up now, so look for another post at the beginning of August.  God bless!

Friday, July 22, 2011

Happy 4th of July (a little late)!!!

Wow...I don't know where the time has gone, but I am over due on my July 4th post.  It was an extra special July 4th because we spent it down in Arcadia, Florida where Gregg's parents got to meet Zeke for the first time.  The drive down there is a long one, so Zeke and I flew with the invaluable help of my mom.  Gregg drove and brought all of our stuff (and I mean STUFF)!  Zeke did great on his first airplane flight.  He even slept!

We spent the whole day Sunday, July 3, at Chella and Dadder Poo's house (Gregg's parents).  Aunt Debbie, Jimmy and his family, and Gary and Stacey were all there.  We had great food and fellowship and will never forget the memories created.

Cousins - Leah was a little mommy to Zeke and Gregory!

He sat there for the whole book!

Our sweet niece, Krissy!

Leah taught him how to use crayons!
They were amazing with Zeke.  Gary makes all of us laugh!

Mother and daughter!

My beautiful mother-in-law and sister-in-law!


Three generations of Hall men!

Dadder Poo with his sons

The next day we got to spend about an hour with the family before we had to leave for the airport.  Gary introduced Zeke to Florida oranges!

We were sad to leave, but so thankful for the opportunity to make this trip.  We are blessed with family who loves the Lord and each other...what more could we ask for?!!!

Spring Mini Session with Summer...

The following photos were taken on June 3, 2011 (my 31st birthday).  We had a fun time in downtown Acworth with our photographer and friend, Summer Adams.

Zeke makes me laugh because he has so much fun doing pretty much wearing Mommy's shoe and a toy as a shoe!

Below you will see pictures from Father's Day 2011.  Gregg stayed home with Zeke because his Father's Day wish was to be at home and not have to drive far (his commute to work is over an hour, one way).  I had a great time with my dad, though!

One more...

I love this sweet face!