This is our modern day baby book! It is our prayer that years from now, Zeke and Adalynn will look back at the details of this blog and understand just how much we looked forward to meeting them and love them!

Sunday, December 11, 2016

'Tis the season...

Recent Happenings

It has been a month and a half since I last wrote.  I recently realized how much I needed to update the blog.  It has been a busy time for us (and I'm sure all of you!).  We finished up our semester with our homeschool group, but are continuing school at home until next week. The weather has been extremely warm, but we are finally experiencing some colder temperatures!  

Headed to Classical Conversations

Gregg was able to take Zeke to a field trip with his classmates

The whole group on the field trip

Adalynn is finally old enough to play board games with Zeke (well...sort of!)

After church one Sunday

Zeke wanted to hold her like Mommy!

Pajama day at CC

Dressing up...just because!

Family time and Thanksgiving

We were blessed with a short visit from my mom at the beginning of November.  Then we took our first trip away from home since Lily Faith was born to go to my parents house for Thanksgiving.  It was a wonderful time with family and friends!

While we were there, Lily Faith had a Frenulectomy done on her lip and tongue (to correct a lip and tongue tie).  It was a very quick procedure they did in the ENT office.  It was not fun for Mommy, but the doctor did a wonderful job.  We are praying it will help her latch better while nursing.

Wynna and the big kids ready for church!

Twins with my girl!

Some of the many faces of Adalynn!

This outfit was worn by Kariss, Sophia, Adalynn, and now Lily Faith!

"Be Thankful!"

Literally right after we got home from her procedure!

We got to visit with my friend Kristen (visiting from Denmark) with her new baby, John Atlas!

Bath time is always fun with Wynna!

Cousin time on Thanksgiving!!

Missing Gregg on Thanksgiving

Sweet Kariss with Lily Faith
"Gobble me up!"

Family Christmas Photos

We were blessed to have my friend, Shannan take our family photos this year.  We went to a family's farm in Americus, which made a perfect backdrop!  I had such a hard time choosing which ones to show here and print because there were so many great ones, especially of the kids!

Zeke fell in love with their dog

Georgia grown cotton!

Running free!

Lily Faith ~ 6 Months

11 pounds, 12 ounces

24 inches long

  • Enjoying everything I wrote last month even more!
  • Scooching further and almost crawling
  • Stands up while holding onto the table (not pulling up, but balancing)
  • Smiles for everyone
  • Got to meet President and Mrs. Carter (Mrs. Carter held her)
  • Is tiny, but strong
  • Eating more foods (we've added pureed ground beef)
  • Trying to sit up

Sitting up in the bouncy seat!

Selfie with Mommy while waiting at her 6 month well visit
Balancing with Daddy right behind her

Ready for her first Christmas!

Carter Presidential Detail Christmas Party

We had the privilege of attending the Christmas party this year with Gregg's co-workers and President and Mrs. Carter.  Unfortunately, Zeke and Adalynn have colds, so they ended up staying home with our babysitter, Katelyn.  Gregg and I took Lily Faith and enjoyed the time together.  President Carter took special note of Lily Faith's name, Lillian, because his mother's name was Lillian.  He told about how she worked extremely long hours as a nurse and he went some days without even seeing her.  He told us about Plains at Christmastime.  He said there was no difference between school and church.  They'd start the day with a devotion and singing hymns at school each day!  My how times have changed!

An honor to see them, as always!

Preparing for Christmas

It's so easy for things to get busy this time of year and stop reflecting on the reason for the season...our Savior's birth.!!  We want our focus to remain on Jesus all the days of our lives.  This month, we've started a Jesse tree.  It is a tree in which you hang one ornament each day that points you back to the gospel.  In past years, I've used paper ornaments, but this year, I found a little tree at Walmart and ordered some handmade felt ornaments from etsy.  For example, there is a man for Adam on the first day.  You read Scripture to go with each ornament when you hang it.  I'll share a picture once we receive our ornaments.  Right now, we're just using the paper ornaments!  

I also ordered some new advent books that were highly recommended by other homeschool moms.  We just received them, so we look forward to spending time reading those and preparing our hearts!

We chose to send Paperless Post Christmas cards this year to make things more simple.  If you are reading this and you didn't receive one of our Paperless cards, please send me your email address!

We have been attending a new church and Zeke is so excited about participating in the Christmas program there next Wednesday.  He gets to be one of the 3 wise men!!  I'll update more after Christmas with all of the pictures from our time with family.  We are especially looking forward to seeing Grandma (GeeGee) and celebrating her 94th birthday with her!!

My little helpers decorating the tree!

I finally found the perfect place for my childhood advent calender.  This is the kid's hallway!

Our make shift mantle (Lily Faith's stocking is currently in the making by Wynna!)

Our Jesse tree ready for ornaments in Zeke and Adalynn's room

Our tree lit up at night!
We are praying you all have a blessed time worshiping our Savior, Jesus, and celebrating His birth.  Merry Christmas!!