This is our modern day baby book! It is our prayer that years from now, Zeke and Adalynn will look back at the details of this blog and understand just how much we looked forward to meeting them and love them!

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Sibling fun!


Brother and sister together as friends,
Ready to face whatever life sends.

I caught them this morning entertaining each other.  Too bad I didn't turn off "Thomas and Friends" on the television because Zeke was a little bit distracted.  The apartment we are renting has AT&T U-verse with a DVR included, so he has really enjoyed being able to watch PBS.

Adalynn sits up...

Adalynn has started sitting on her own.  It started sometime last week....September 18th (ish)!

Here is a short video of her sitting:

We are having so much fun watching her little personality develop.  For the next post I'll upload a video of the kids together.  She adores her big brother and he has so much fun making her laugh!

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Bye Bye!

Well, it is Wednesday, September 18th, and Gregg just officially drove away from our first home.  The new owners close on the house tomorrow morning.

The last night we stayed there, Gregg prayed for us.  He thanked God for providing us with such a wonderful home to start our family together.  Gregg thanked God for the neighbors placed near us, our church (Northstar), the things the Lord has taught us, the way we've grown deeper in our faith, and the memories we created there.  Here is just a glimpse of our days at Moonlight Drive (I apologize for the formatting issues with the pictures...Blogger wasn't cooperating!): 

First Date ~ June 2007

Married ~ June 7, 2008

Expecting our first baby, Zeke
Welcoming Zeke home ~ January 2010

Ezekiel Forrester Hall
Date nights while Wynna watched Zeke
Zeke ~ learning to crawl
Zeke ~ sitting up on the front porch ~ October 2010

Zeke's First Birthday ~ January 19, 2011

Wynna love ~ February 2011

Zeke ~ learning to walk ~ February 2011
Zeke ~ silly boy ~ June 2011
Couch time with Daddy ~ August 2011

Megan ~ working out (with a little help!)

Baby Gator ~ October 2011
Learning about Jesus' birthday ~ December 2011

Zeke ~ hours of fun playing outside ~ January 2012

Northstar Church ~ April 2012
Gregg ~ bringing home wild turkey
Helping Daddy
Naps with Daddy ~ June 2012
Zeke ~ hours of throwing the ball for Browning


Expanding our family ~ June 2012

It's a GIRL!!! ~ September 2012

Red Top Mountain State Park ~ November 2012

Christmas blessings ~ December 2012

Getting ready to welcome baby sister, Adalynn

Welcome home, Adalynn!

More turkey!

Adalynn Rose Nomachee Hall

Adalynn ~ 6 months old

I want to take a minute to thank God for providing me with a spiritual leader in Gregg.  He leads our family well and I feel confident that he will continue to seek God all the days of our lives.  We can't wait to see where God will lead us to serve in Americus.

I asked him to send me a few pictures of the empty house before he left.  It is bittersweet to see them because I know God has closed that chapter of our lives and is leading us to the next, but I sure will miss that home.

The apartment is working out wonderfully for us...another blessing from the Lord!  That will be another post, though.

For now, we praise God from whom ALL blessings flow!

Thursday, September 12, 2013

September craziness!

We have a few more days in our Moonlight Drive home.  Things have been very busy, but I wanted to post a few quick pictures.

Zeke was helping me clean out/pack by trying on his hat and cowboy boots.  They both still fit and he was happy about that!  He also was given a huge triceratops dinosaur by my friend's triplet sons.  They wanted to be sure Zeke knew his name is Koda.  As you can see, he was thrilled!

Adalynn is developing more of a personality every day.  She is full of smiles and laughs, and is not happy unless there is someone near her or holding her.  I am having so much fun dressing her in girly outfits, but on this particular day, I put her in one of Zeke's old onesies (with a bow added, of course!).  It says, "I drool orange and blue" for Daddy's Alma mater, by the way!

Lastly, I saw this on Facebook, and copied it to my computer.  With all the busyness of packing, organizing, etc., this is a great reminder for me to really enjoy my children.  They are both such blessings to me, and I realize how quickly the years pass.  I probably won't be kissing any elephants, but I'd love to make a point to do all of the others!  Children ARE miraculous!

6 Months Old ~ Adalynn

I just realized I never posted the 6 month collage I made for Adalynn.  She turned 6 months old while we were on our house hunting trip in Americus.  We did find a home, and are incredibly grateful for all of your prayers.  Please continue to pray for smooth closings on both houses over the next couple of weeks.

I'll be sure to post more pictures after we close on September 30th and tell you all about it!  The picture below was taken at our hotel room in Americus.  She is becoming a daddy's girl already!

I am not sure how much Adalynn weighs, what her length is, or what percentages she falls into, but she is growing, changing, and blessing us each day!

Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift!

2 Corinthians 9:15