This is our modern day baby book! It is our prayer that years from now, Zeke and Adalynn will look back at the details of this blog and understand just how much we looked forward to meeting them and love them!

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Dear Zeke,...welcome to our world!

Dear precious Zeke,
        I wanted to write you a letter to let you know how honored and blessed I am to be your mom.  You are 12 days old today, and I can hardly believe it!  We were able to bring you home from the hospital on January 21, 2010, two days after you were born.  Wynna came over that afternoon and stayed with us for about a week.  Daddy and I were a little bit nervous about bringing you home.  We didn't know if we would know how to care for you, but it has been wonderful.  Wynna helped us clean, cook, and care for you, which was a tremendous gift.  You have been eating well and gaining weight like you should.  We took you to the pediatrician and chiropractor.  You weighed 8 pounds, 9 ounces at our last appointment, and I think you are around 9 pounds now.  You are sleeping about 5 hours at night in the bassinet in our bathroom.  Tonight we are going to move you to your crib and pray that you will sleep through the night.  You are still sleeping a lot throughout the day, but when you are awake we love watching the faces you make and hearing your little noises.  You like to sleep on your tummy and on your side, not your back!  You do not like having a dirty diaper, which we hope will help when it comes time for potty training!  Browning, Abigail, and Sadie seem to be adjusting to you quite nicely!  Browning likes to lick your head, which I don't like very much!  Abigail likes to sit with us while I nurse you.  You fit into our family just perfectly!

Daddy and I look forward to watching you grow, change, and become the person God has designed you to be.  We pray that you will come to know the Lord and accept Him as your own personal Savior.  Well, you are waking up from your morning nap now, so I am going to go feed you. 

"Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift." 2 Corinthians 9:15
I love you with all of my heart,

1 comment:

  1. Awww Megan, I am so excited for you two, oops three. Glad to hear the nursing is going well, both my kids were tummy sleepers as well. I believe in whatever makes them happy. Actually since Tyler had acid reflux, one night on his back he was choking from spitting up. Mom came in and his face was blue, after that I said no more back...! Miraculously he began to sleep much better!!! He is truely gorgeous and Browning licking his head is a good sign...!
    I know it seems icky but its a sign he accepts and wants to protect him!
    Love always,
    Kelly, Doug, Tyler, and Lindsey
