This is our modern day baby book! It is our prayer that years from now, Zeke and Adalynn will look back at the details of this blog and understand just how much we looked forward to meeting them and love them!

Friday, May 6, 2016

Lily Faith is almost here!!

We were so incredibly blessed to have our sweet friend, Nikita, take maternity photos for us.  As you look through the photos, you'll be amazed because Nikita is not only self taught, but is 17 years old!!

The Cherian family has blessed us in so many ways, most importantly, by mentoring us and helping us grow in our faith and our call to, "Go therefore and make disciples of all nations" just as Jesus called us in Matthew 28.  They have loved us like family and are our brothers and sisters in Christ!!

I wish you could see how Zeke and Adalynn light up every time they are with them.  I know they see Christ in Cherian, Sheeba, Joshua, and Nikita!!  I was trying to find some photos of them, but we are not good about getting pictures when we're together.  Here are a few, so you can see their sweet faces!!

This was last year when Adalynn was playing with Nikita and Doodle at their house!
One day a few months ago with Sheeba after church!
Dinner with the Cherians in November when my parents were visiting!
With Nikita in May 2015 at a local coffee shop
Joshua and Nikita right after they returned home from the mission trip in Cambodia last June
An oldie at the Plains Peanut Festival in 2014

Another oldie, but goodie of Zeke and Joshua in 2014 after church!
At Zeke's 5th birthday dinner

And one of my all time favorites of Adalynn with Cherian and Sheeba!!

At the Hall Home

We began the day with some photos of Gregg and me in our front yard.  The lighting and weather was perfect.  He was making me laugh, of course!

I love this one because he was being his silly self and making me laugh!

Next, we added the kids into the mix...

I love this of Gregg.  His girls are so blessed to have a Daddy to show them love!

Our little superheroes!

Around Americus

Then, we headed out to take some pictures around Americus.  First we stopped at the train tracks...

This captures her so well!

In color!
Next, we headed over to the Council House, a Historic home in Americus...

By this time, the kids (and maybe Gregg!) were tired and ready for lunch, so we went home to take a break.

Nursery Photos

Gregg had to go to work, so the kids and I changed clothes and did some photos in Lily Faith's nursery, then finished up on our driveway...

He does this about 5 times/day.  He loves his little sisters so much!

Zeke was really reading to us.  It was a precious story!

We had to capture frog and lamb!


We moved her crib out of the will be below her name

Chalk Time

We are so incredibly blessed and thankful to be welcoming our third child into the world very soon!  I'm due May 14th, but we'll see when God decides to bring her into the world!  It feels like it could be any day now.  Thank you for all of your continued prayers!


I'll close with some photos of her nursery.  These were taken with my phone...not nearly as special as the photos above!!

It has gone from Adalynn's room to Lily Faith's nursery.  Adalynn and Zeke are sharing a room, as I've mentioned before, and doing great.  I'll include a few photos of their room too, although it's still a work in progress!

My old doll, Chelsea!

Cloth diapers are ready to go!

Blessings hanger Sheeba made for my shower

You can see where I hung it!

 Zeke and Adalynn's Room

Scripture art given to us at my baby shower! (Romans 15:13, Philippians 4:8 and 2 Timothy 1:7)  I picked these verses very intentionally!

We'll either paint the book shelf white or find something else for that spot

Handmade art (and curtains) by Wynna!  The Z and A are buttons glued on muslin!

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