This is our modern day baby book! It is our prayer that years from now, Zeke and Adalynn will look back at the details of this blog and understand just how much we looked forward to meeting them and love them!

Sunday, July 19, 2015

July in Georgia!

It's July in south Georgia, which means it's hot!!  We are thankful, though, to be able to swim most days.  Zeke has learned to swim more efficiently (beginning freestyle where he comes up for air).  Both kids adore going out to the pool whenever possible.

Gregg is working hard, as usual, and we truly appreciate all of his sacrifices.  We thank God for our church family, small town, air conditioning, summer Bible club, summer reading program, and so much more.

Bathtub paint!

Playing a game (walking like a crab!)

Just like Daddy!

Walking back from checking Daddy's archery target

Our little superheroes

Evening walk with Mommy

...more walking

selfie during our walk!

Precious brother and sister!

Delicious local watermelon and blueberries

Always wearing camo

Being silly in their winter hats in the heat of the summer!

Zeke sleeping during a summer cold

Gregg had a Sunday off...yay!

Sweet outtake!

We enjoyed a short visit from Wynna before she headed to Texas with Papa for her high school reunion and a visit with family.  Of course, the kids didn't want her to leave (and neither did Mommy and Daddy!).

Wynna and Zeke's creative castle!
I got a few pictures of the kids today before church.  They were extra smiley, so the pictures turned out really cute!

With my girl!

We look forward to celebrating Gregg's birthday next week, in addition to Mom and Dad's anniversary and Jared's birthday (even though we won't be with them!).  The summer will be coming to an end before we know it and Zeke will begin Kindergarten at the end of August.  What an exciting time!!

We pray each of you are blessings on each of you!

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