This is our modern day baby book! It is our prayer that years from now, Zeke and Adalynn will look back at the details of this blog and understand just how much we looked forward to meeting them and love them!

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Happy 90th Birthday, Grandma!!!

As I mentioned in the last post, I wanted to write a separate post to tell you all about my grandma's 90th birthday party.  First, let me tell you a little bit about her.  She has lived in Amarillo, TX my whole life, but thankfully, my parents made it possible for us to travel there frequently throughout my life.  I loved going to her warm, cozy home.  Walking in the door, it would smell the same each time, and bring back memories of years past.  When I found out she was moving, I honestly cried, but she was ready to move on and be free from some of the responsibilities of owning a home (yard, maintenance, etc.).  She moved to a senior apartment building in Amarillo where some of her friends already lived.  Meals are included, it is close to her church, and there are many opportunities for even more social activities (not that she needs more to do...she's busier than me!).  She seems really happy there, and I am so glad.

Me with both of my grandmas at the Amarillo airport

Jared and me with our cousins, Reed and Ross
As a child, I loved visiting Grandma and Papa, but never took much of an interest in their lives (as you would expect from most children).  But, as I got older, I began to enjoy the visits she made here or us there.  I loved sitting down and learning about her life.  She told me about growing up on a farm, how she met Papa (Roy Stargel), about life as a young wife and mother in a new town, and so much more.  She has always lived out her faith.  When I ask her to pray for something, I know she actually does!  She continues to study God's Word each day, and I am encouraged to know that He will continue teaching us all throughout our lives if we will seek Him.  I can always call her to chat, even if she has to call me back because she is at a meeting or Bible study!  I know I can count on her, and I thank God for her each day.

Us during her first trip to NYC several years ago
When it came time to plan her 90th birthday party, she volunteered to fly to Atlanta because of my pregnancy and Jami and Jared's new baby, Harper.  It was such a gift to us and sacrifice for her not to be there with all of her friends, but that just shows her character.  She is selfless and kind.

We sent the invitations you see above, and were so excited to have some surprise guests for Grandma.  My uncle Lewis flew all the way from NYC (through storms).  My aunt Nancy's long-time friend, Susan, came from Houston with all of the Hablinski's and Ross' girlfriend, Ali.  My mom's dear friend (and ours), Ellen, came too!  We all had a nice dinner at the Atlanta Athletic Club honoring Kay/Mother/Grandma/GeeGee!

Her great grandchildren

My mom and her brother, Lewis

We love Uncle Lewis!

Visiting with Ellen

The spread...

"Happy Birthday to you,..."

Four generations...

What a fun evening celebrating a beloved woman.  We look forward to many more celebrations in the years to come!

Happy Birthday, Grandma!!!

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