This is our modern day baby book! It is our prayer that years from now, Zeke and Adalynn will look back at the details of this blog and understand just how much we looked forward to meeting them and love them!

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Happy Fall!

Well, it is hard to believe it has been over a month since I last posted.  It's still in the upper 80's here in Americus, so it doesn't feel like fall, but we are enjoying much more time outside.

Lily Faith ~ 4 Months

Lily Faith turned 4 months.  I took her to her 4 month well visit and she was very small on their charts.  We would not have been concerned, but she had been spitting up a lot, so we want to make sure she is getting the nutrition she needs.  She was happy, sleeping well, and meeting all of her milestones, but just not gaining much weight.  So....long story, short, after praying a lot and consulting with a lactation consultant, we figured out the reason for all of the spitting up.  She has a high arch palate (as opposed to a flat palate), which causes her to suck in air when she is latched on and nursing.  There is space between me and the top of her mouth.  All that air gets stuck in her belly and causes her to spit up.  There's not really an easy solution.  I found that if I pumped and gave it to her in a bottle, it was much better.  That's not ideal, but is helping very much.  Right now, I'm pumping 2 feedings/day and nursing 2 feedings/day.  She's over 10 pounds now and growing!!

Getting used to this bottle thing!

Looking at Mommy and eating!

4 - 5 Month Schedule

I'm going to write out her schedule because with each child I've wondered what we did.  It's nice to go back and look.  I will say, I wish I'd started switching to this schedule at 3 months like Dr. Denmark recommends!  She suggests starting to introduce solids at 12 weeks to build up to the 12 hour sleep stretch at 4 months.  It's okay, though...parenting is always a learning process!  Lily Faith is eating avocado and/or egg yolk 3x/day too!

10am - Wake her and feed her a bottle from what I pump when I wake up around 7am - give pureed avocado

(10:30am - pump to freeze for future)

12-2pm - nap

2pm - Nurse her - give pureed avocado

4-5:30pm - nap

6pm - Nurse her - give pureed avocado and soft boiled egg yolk

9pm - Give her a bottle of milk I've pumped around 8:30 or some I have frozen

9:45pm or so - Put her to bed for the night

Fun Times

We've enjoyed spending time outside, time with friends, and have closed our pool for the season.  We had fall break from school with Daddy home for a full week.  It went by way too quickly, but we enjoyed our time with him!  

Walking with my babies!

She enjoys playing with toys now!

Fun comparison with a hand me down onesie from Zeke!

We are thankful for the Cherians (pic was Zeke's idea since they are all in jeans!)

At church one Sunday

With her lovey  made by Wynna!!

Before CC one morning

For this child I prayed...

Zeke has started piano lessons!

Sissies...can't get enough of each other

Sweet girl

Last swim (mid September)

Before CC week 6

Beautiful sunrise out our front door

Playdough fun

Walmart trip

Adorable baby after bath

Enjoying a beautiful day

Working hard to cut down bushes for Daddy

Waiting at the chiropractor

A flower from my big girl


selfie with Mommy

My sous chef and me!
Kiwi and whipped cream for dessert!

Zeke's buddy, Gage's birthday party

Good-bye Browning

Sadly, we had to say good-bye to our dog, Browning.  He was 9 years old and lived a good life.  He died peacefully in his favorite spot in our backyard.  Gregg found him.  It was really tough on Zeke because Browning was his first buddy.  He's been with us for as long as Zeke can remember.  Adalynn is still a little confused by the whole thing.  She asks about him from time to time.  I found a few pictures of Browning over the years and put together this little collage.

Pumpkin Patch

We had the opportunity to go to Mark's Melon Patch nearby with our Classical Conversations homeschool group.  The kids had a great time.  They got to ride the hayride, go through a hay maze, play on the playground, and more.  We enjoyed a picnic lunch together and got to know some of our new homeschool friends a little better!

Fun hayride

Duck races

Little pumpkins
Well, I think we're up to date for now!  I'll be posting about Lily Faith turning 5 months in a week.  Wow!  We're looking forward to cooler temperatures here and visiting Johns Creek in November and December.  What a blessing to be able to spend time with the family we love!!

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