This is our modern day baby book! It is our prayer that years from now, Zeke and Adalynn will look back at the details of this blog and understand just how much we looked forward to meeting them and love them!

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Chehaw (zoo) Field Trip

We attended a field trip to the Chehaw zoo with our Classical Conversations group on January 20th. My mom kindly stayed an extra day to help, and Gregg ended up being able to go, which was a HUGE blessing!  We cherish the time we get to spend as a family.

I didn't know much about Chehaw, so here is the description from their website:
Originally developed as Chehaw State Park in 1937, the property consisted of 586 acres donated to the state of Georgia by private landowners in Dougherty and Lee Counties. It is enclosed on two sides by a large, clear water bayou formed by the conjoining of the Kinchafoonee and Muckalee Creeks. The property has expanded to nearly 800 acres and consists of moss-covered cypress swamps, hardwood forests, and a well-maintained wiregrass habitat.The park was named after the Chiha, or Chehaw, a tribe of Creek Indians who lived throughout the property and befriended white settlers. Artifacts such as arrowheads, spearheads, tomahawks, hoes, drill, scrapers, clay pipes and stone celts were commonly found during original park development. Variations in artifact design show the land was used by distinctly different tribes over several hundreds of years.


After everyone arrived, we went to a little amphitheatre to watch a presentation about vertebrates.  The children got to touch a Madagascar cockroach (not a vertebrate), baby alligator, and hedgehog.  They got to see an owl as well.  It was fun learning about some of the animals we'd talked about while learning about the major groups of vertebrates at school.

The bright son helped keep us warm on this cold day!

I'm glad Gregg's jacket fit around my pregnant belly!
Zeke with Bowden, Callie, and Allie (parents in the background)

Zeke touching the hedgehog
Taking it all in!

That owl is actually full grown (about 10 years old)

Adalynn touching the hedgehog

Zoo tour

After the presentation, we toured the zoo and finished the morning with a yummy lunch at Chick-fil-a!  It was a fun day!

Look at that black bear!

He was lounging

A very large camel

The rhinoceros

 We didn't get a photo of all the other children that were there or Wynna, but I do have an adorable selfie Wynna and Adalynn took yesterday!

Love these two!

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