This is our modern day baby book! It is our prayer that years from now, Zeke and Adalynn will look back at the details of this blog and understand just how much we looked forward to meeting them and love them!

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Adalynn ~ 11 Months Old!

January 28, 2013, Adalynn was 11 months old.  It seems like once they pass the 6 month mark, they just take off!  She began crawling while we were at my parents' house over Christmas and has started pulling up within the last week.  She is cruising some, but still does not want to try to walk (even when I try to hold her hands).  That's okay with me...we can wait a little longer on that!

She says, "Hi," and waves.  It is the cutest thing because her wave is so girly!  She has 4 teeth (two front and two center bottom) and weighs just under 20 pounds.  We are supposed to wait to put her in the Britax bigger kid carseat until she is 20 pounds.  Zeke was in it at 7 months!  Ha! 

She continues to be very good at letting us know what she wants.  I don't want to say demanding, but kind of demanding!  She loves to laugh at her daddy and brother and is a great eater.  I'm still nursing 3x/day.  I just can't seem to go to 2 feedings, since she is likely our last baby. 

We have plans to celebrate her 1st birthday with everyone in Johns Creek.  My mom has made her a sweet little dress with a "1" on it.  I don't think I will even bother with any kind of dessert for her since she is still eating her "Dr. Denmark mush."  Watching the videos of Zeke's birthday reminded me that he had no idea what to even do with the cake.  He just touched it, then ate his mush!

One more month and we'll have a 4 year old and a 1 year old....hard to believe!  We thank God for both of our little blessings!

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