This is our modern day baby book! It is our prayer that years from now, Zeke and Adalynn will look back at the details of this blog and understand just how much we looked forward to meeting them and love them!

Saturday, June 9, 2018

Lily Faith turns 2 and other May fun!!

May adventures

We finished our official school year this month, although, we continue to review and learn.  Mother's Day was also this month.  Gregg had to work, but the kids were sweet to celebrate me.  Zeke went out of his way to make sure my day was special.  It was precious!


Swim time!

Fun at library story time with Jisun, Rosie, Mary Catherine, Lily, and Emma

In Albany, GA at a goodbye celebration for our CC director, Joy, and her family

Happy Mother's Day!

I finally framed Zeke's promise verse from 2017 and hung it in his room

First and last day of Pre-K comparison (barely any change!)

First and last day of second grade comparison.  He has matured!

Sisterly love!

Lily Faith turns 2!

My mom came to visit to celebrate Lily Faith's 2nd birthday.  It's hard to believe she's 2!  I was very surprised when we arrived at the farm to take her 2 year old pictures and she didn't want to smile.  She's normally ready with a big smile and the word, "cheeeeese!"  We made the best of it, and still got some sweet pictures.  She certainly did not hide her emotions as you'll see below! Ha!

While my mom was here, Zeke had his piano recital.  He did a fabulous job.  He played "The Can-Can" and "Praise Him, Praise Him."  

We celebrated Lily Faith's birthday with breakfast for dinner and cupcakes before Wynna left.  It was a blessing to be together and praise God for our precious Lily Faith.

Each night as I lay her down to sleep, she requests to sing, "Pay Him" (Praise Him, Praise Him). She doesn't want to go to sleep until we sing and pray.  I have prayed Psalm 4:8, I will both lie down in peace and sleep; for You alone, O Lord, make me dwell in safety" over my children over the years.  She says, "Lie down, sweep in peace," as I place her in her crib.  

She is full of energy, joy, opinions, and love.  She is the most cuddly of all three at this age.  She loves to dance and sing.  She speaks in complete sentences (has for many months) and has an expansive vocabulary.  She adores her Daddy and her siblings.  As we prayed about what to name her before she was born, God gave us clear direction.  I was drawn to the peace Lily flower and all the ways we see the Lily in Scripture.  We knew she would bring peace to our family and she certainly has.  It's exciting to think about what God has in store for our little Lily Faith as she grows and He becomes her Lord and Saviour.  We pray that happens at a young age and that she follows Him all of her days.  God brought Psalm 150 to me as special verses for Lily Faith for this year.  PRAISE HIM!!!  

Psalm 150

Praise the Lord.
Praise God in His sanctuary;
praise Him in His mighty heavens.
Praise Him for His acts of power;
praise Him for His surpassing greatness.
Praise Him with the sounding of the trumpet,
praise Him with the harp and lyre,
praise Him with timbrel and dancing,
praise Him with the strings and pipe,
praise Him with the clash of cymbals,
praise Him with resounding cymbals.
Let everything that has breath praise the Lord.
Praise the Lord.

After Zeke's piano recital

All of the students with Ms. Elaine

Lily Faith with her birthday sign

Before her birthday dinner

Enjoying her spice cake with whipped cream and berries 
Singing, "Happy birthday to you..."

Celebrating with the Cherians 

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