This is our modern day baby book! It is our prayer that years from now, Zeke and Adalynn will look back at the details of this blog and understand just how much we looked forward to meeting them and love them!

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

The best things about 3 year olds...Adalynn

I was inspired by a blog post on Chronicles of a Babywise Mom (see it here) to write individual posts about each of the children at their current age.  I'm going to begin with Adalynn.  I've used several of the author's (of that blog) "things about 3 year olds," but changed a few, and tailored it to describe Adalynn!

1 - She is sensitive to the Holy Spirit

Gregg and I have come to learn how sensitive our children are to the Holy Spirit.  For example, one time, Adalynn woke up crying in the middle of the night and said she didn't want Daddy and Zeke to go hunting.  Gregg was planning to take Zeke hunting for the first time the following day, but Adalynn had no idea.  Gregg headed that warning from the Holy Spirit and they did not go.  We don't know what they were protected from, but we are grateful.  They were able to go at a later date and had a great time.  I could share countless examples of this kind of thing.  It enables all of us as a family to be more in tune to the Spirit.  What a precious gift!!

2 - She laughs easily and makes us laugh

It is nothing short of a miracle to see what God has done in little Adalynn's personality since she was born.  She started life as a timid little girl who didn't want to be held by anyone but Mommy, Daddy, Wynna, and other women (no men!).  We prayed for her and God released a wonderful, joyful, spunky, loving personality in our girl.  She loves to laugh and make others laugh.  She has also recently added singing to her repertoire.  I must say, I think she inherited Daddy's wonderful voice!  Proverbs 31:25 is so fitting...


3 - She says things incorrectly

Three year olds are at that cute stage where they still say things incorrectly, yet have a wide vocabulary.  It's so fun to hear how Adalynn interprets what we say.  You'll see her below in her "beautiform" (uniform) and with "Wi-wee Faif" (Lily Faith)!  She'll tell you her full name, "Add-a-win Wose Momachee Hall" (Adalynn Rose Nomachee Hall).  As they grow and learn to read, they begin pronouncing things correctly, so we'll just enjoy the little Adalynnisms for now!

4 - She can dress herself

At this age, I can give Adalynn an outfit to put on, and it usually goes on correctly, although, sometimes things are backwards.  She REALLY likes to change clothes multiple times/day (apparently, I did this as a little girl!).  Often, it is a mis-matched, wrong season outfit, but she certainly enjoys the creativity of getting dressed on her own!!

5 - She can be helpful with chores

We are still in the training stage of chores (I know this takes years in certain areas), but she can help with chores.  Mostly, it's cleaning up toys.  She can vacuum small areas, but I usually feel the need to go back over what she has done.  She and Zeke enjoy dusting too.  Her favorite chore, and one that really does help me, is taking clothes out of the dryer.  We have a system in which she hands me each item one at a time (she's right at the level of the dryer, so no bending down required).  I fold as she hands them to me and we make a sock pile right above her, then match the socks at the end.  Fun and efficient!!

6 - She forgives readily

Our children have taught me so much about forgiveness over the years.  God calls us to forgive just as we have been forgiven.  Ephesians 4:32 says, "Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you."  It doesn't get much more clear than that!  I think as we get older, is easy to let the worlds ideas influence our thinking about forgiveness.  However, spend time with a child, and they will show you how to forgive readily!  Adalynn is ready to forgive and give a big hug!!


7 - She still has cute little hands

I remember when we brought Adalynn home from the hospital, Zeke's hands looked so big all of a sudden.  He seemed like such a big boy.  Their hands are so precious at each stage.  When you look at Adalynn's hands now, they still are so small (and a little chubby!).  The first picture below is her hand on top of Zeke's, then her sweet hands.  Lastly, you'll see her writing with a long pencil.  It makes her seem little, yet grown up too!

8 - She copies people

Zeke and Adalynn are best buddies.  They are together most of every day (even share a room!).  We've tried to explain to Zeke that she looks up to him and mimics what he does.  We've heard her pick up on positive and negative phrases he uses rather quickly.  Children will mimic words and actions, which is a great reminder as parents to do everything as unto the Lord and be willing to repent and ask for forgiveness when we make mistakes!

9 - She has a motherly instinct

Pretty much from the moment we brought Lily Faith home, Adalynn has taken on the protective, loving, motherly role.  She LOVES being with her sister and entertaining her (talking, singing, etc.).  She's always right by my side when I am nursing, changing diapers, or just holding Lily Faith.  I can't wait to watch her become a mother someday!!

10 - She has a zest for life

By now, it's pretty clear that Adalynn has a zest for life!  She experiences a wide range of emotions each day and lets us know!  She is quick to hug (our mail woman gets a hug each time she drops off a package), and gets excited about the simple things in life.  She reminds me to stop and enjoy the blessings God has given us.  Because we homeschool, we get to experience all of the day to day happenings together.  It can be tempting to focus on the sibling squabbles that happen or the tantrums (thanking God those are less often now), but at the end of the day, Adalynn is full of the joy of the Lord, and I am grateful!

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