Change is coming
Well, at the beginning of March, we had no idea what was in store for the rest of the year. Zeke was excited to see Zykeivous Walker at church. He's a freshman at Auburn and plays football. He and Zeke have a special bond.
My mom came for a visit right before the quarantine began for Covid-19. If we're looking back at this years from now, I'm honestly not sure what to write about this situation. It has been a time of turmoil and confusion for many. For us, it has been a time to trust God and rest in Him. This virus was labeled a pandemic. Instead of placing sick individuals in quarantine, all people were placed in quarantine. Our daily routine did not change much early on because we were homeschooling and Gregg was still going to work. Things changed drastically for many people around the world, though.
Zeke and Zykeivous |
Wynna visits |
Lunch downtown before Gregg had to leave for work |
A little shopping |
Before church (we didn't realize it would be a while before we were back) |
Because I am writing this 5 months after the start of the current unrest in our world, I felt the photo below was a perfect image for the journey God has taken us on. At first, we thought it would last a few weeks, but as time went on, we realized this was going to continue for a while. It's still upon us and I am writing on September 1, 2020.
We have heard many explanations from experts, politicians, and those given authority in some capacity. As I have sought God about the state of our world, I have had a lot of questions. Some He has answered, and some He hasn't. I've felt concern for our children's future, I've felt sadness, but ultimately I have felt HOPE. I've felt gratitude for the priceless truth that this is not the end of the story.
"Because all flesh is as grass, and all the glory of man as the flower of the grass. The grass withers, and the flower falls away, but the Word of the Lord endures forever" (1 Peter 1:24-25). Jesus sacrificed His life by taking on our sin through a horrific death on a cross. He did this in our we wouldn't have to spend eternity separated from God. He experienced hell, raised to life to walk on earth again, then ascended into Heaven until He returns again. He saved us and He WILL return once and for all.
We read this truth from Romans 10:10: "For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation." We get to choose to believe the truth and surrender our lives to Jesus, making Him our Lord. We get to read the end of the story. We have HOPE.
This time was not taken from us. It was a time where we...
- Gained intimacy with God
- Had fellowship with one another
- Learned how to work together to solve conflict
- Reached out to help others in need
- Established a precious family worship time each night
- Learned to apologize when we were being short or selfish
- Learned how gracious and patient God is
- Took nature walks
- Took time to watch the birds
- Played together
- Were reminded of how much we need God every minute
- Remembered how important surrender is in our walk with God
It hasn't been easy, but we have above and beyond what we need and thank God for every gift He has given and continues to give us. We TRUST in the Lord with all our hearts, and lean not on our own understanding. In all our ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct our paths. (adapted from Proverbs 3:5-6)
Our butterflies (we released them on video)
A stop by their "fort" as we left for a nature walk
The flowers we picked for our nature study
Zeke's beautifully painted nature study
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