This is our modern day baby book! It is our prayer that years from now, Zeke and Adalynn will look back at the details of this blog and understand just how much we looked forward to meeting them and love them!

Friday, January 16, 2015

Playing catch up!

Back in August (I believe), Nikita, Sheeba, Cherian, and Joshua came over for a visit.  Nikita snapped some candid photos.  This is truly a "day in the life of us!"

What fun moments with our sweet girl!

Next, I planned a surprise photo shoot for my mom's Christmas gift.  In October, Nikita and Sheeba met me at our church during Zeke's homeschool group to take pictures of Adalynn in a dress my mom made for me.  I had to have it let out because Adalynn was 18 months and I was 12 months when I wore it.  Kariss also had her picture in it!

It was such a fun surprise for my mom because she had no idea!

Like mother, like daughter!

Now you have a glimpse into her little personality.  We are so appreciative of Nikita catching all of these moments for us!


  1. That A is so beautiful! Great photos. And Z is adorable, too!

  2. Oh and that's me, Kristen, above! :) Hi from M & V!
