This is our modern day baby book! It is our prayer that years from now, Zeke and Adalynn will look back at the details of this blog and understand just how much we looked forward to meeting them and love them!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Mini Milestones

Dear Zeke,
       It is hard to believe that you are 3 months old!  The month of April has been filled with "mini milestones" in which you have grown and changed every day.  We celebrated your first Easter, and you actually fit inisde your Easter basket!  (see photo below!)

Unfortunately, Daddy was sick, but you and I went over to Wynna and Granddaddy's house to have lunch with Uncle Jared, Aunt Jami, Kariss, Sopia, Uncle Toddles, and Auntie Tessa.  It was a beautiful day to celebrate our risen Lord. 

You and I have had such a good time together each day.  Daddy loves his time with you in the evenings and often sings to you.  You stop crying instantly when he starts singing...George Strait is one of your favorites! Wynna comes over to stay with you about once a week, in addition to some visits from Auntie Tessa.  You are a loved little man! 

You smile, laugh, coo, and talk all the time now, which is so much fun for Daddy and me.  You weigh 13 pounds, and continue to sleep well.  We just introduced brown rice cereal to you, and you did great with it.  You seemed a bit hesitant at first, but I think you like it now.  We will introduce fruits, vegetables, and protein next, so it will be fun to see how you do with those! 

We thank God for you and look forward to each new "mini milestone" that we celebrate with you.


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