This is our modern day baby book! It is our prayer that years from now, Zeke and Adalynn will look back at the details of this blog and understand just how much we looked forward to meeting them and love them!

Sunday, October 22, 2017

September 2017

September happenings

We had a great, but speedy September!  We spent time at the library, going to church, attending our homeschool group, etc.  Hurricane Irma threatened to come through, so we welcomed friends from Tallahassee who stayed the night.  It was a fun visit and we didn't even lose power as the storm passed through!  Gregg and the kids ran in the first annual Harvest Fun Run in our neighborhood.  Overall, it was a great month!

At the library meeting new friends!

Watching the big kids play at the library

Before church

Playing with their music cube before church!

Watching our handyman, Darrell, take down our back deck!

Before the Harvest Fun Run in our neighborhood

After the race (Daddy had worked a midnight shift the night before...he's such a great daddy!)

With their friends who also ran the race

They decided they needed to try out their Christmas PJs!

Our friends, Dave and Rachel, evacuating from Tallahassee before Hurricane Irma

Checkers with Dave

I found the girls like this (they had taken all of the pjs out of the drawers!)

Fun shopping at Publix

Some of the faces of Lily Faith

She had a blast on Adalynn's bed

Silly family picture

Church time!

Cleaning up after the hurricane came through

Classical Conversations time!

We didn't plan it, but they all wore white and grey!

It's always fun to play in the toy bin

773 pinecones collected that day!

Ready for church

Zeke's "school" picture at CC 
Adalynn's "school" picture

Lily Faith didn't really want her school picture taken!

Last swim of 2017

Fun times!

The first time he solved his Rubik's cube by himself!

Sunday morning before church

Sweet sisters

School begins....2017!

We started school August 14, 2017 

Well, I started this post in August and it's now the end of October!  Oops!  I'll go ahead and post about August, then try to catch up on September and October in separate posts.  As you can imagine, it has been busy around here.  Zeke is doing well in second grade and Adalynn is enjoying Pre-K, especially handwriting and reading.  We are already on week 8 of our Classical Conversations group, which we all enjoy!

2017-2018 School Year Begins

August happenings

Ready for church

Wynna visits

Clean baby!

Dinner at Chick-fil-A before homeschool group orientation

Zeke decided he wanted to eat on our China as a special meal with Wynna!

Ready for church

Love these three!

Enjoying her first swim in our pool!


Viewing the Eclipse with Daddy safely through their homemade viewer

"Eclipse day snack!"

 Classical Conversations ~ Cycle 3 ~ 2017-2018

We are studying American history and geography this year, in addition to human anatomy and some chemistry.  We are learning John 1:1-7 in English and Latin.  I have to admit, I'm enjoying this cycle the most so far.  It has been fun to learn the states and capitals together, as well as parts of the human body.  The kids are doing extremely well with their memory work!  

First day of CC

First day in childcare!

Learning from their tutor, Ms. Danielle!

They are in the same class this year (the classes are mixed ages)


Zeke working on a drawing in Sunday school

This one just makes me laugh.  Lily Faith's personality grows every day!

I'm going to close this post here.  We had a great August and can't believe how quickly it went by.  We thank God for the opportunity to have school at home, all together.  Gregg has been busy working hard, taking such good care of us.  Blessings to you all!