This is our modern day baby book! It is our prayer that years from now, Zeke and Adalynn will look back at the details of this blog and understand just how much we looked forward to meeting them and love them!

Sunday, April 5, 2015

He is Risen!!!

"It is very painful to see our beloved Lord hanging there on the cross, with His blood dripping down...But we need to look, for He hangs pay for our sins. He loved us so much that He chose to die in our place...We may go to this same Jesus today with all our sorrows, and all our problems, and all our sins. He sees us, and hears us, and loves us. If we trust and love Him, we have new life." ~ The Child's Story Bible

This morning we woke up knowing that we wouldn't get to go to church as a family.  Adalynn is a little under the weather, so we decided we'd stay home and have family worship together.  Gregg, Zeke, and I began with a devotion.  For me, as Zeke's teacher and mom, it is hard to find the balance between teaching him about the awful things Jesus went through and not invoking fear in him.  I want him to understand what a huge deal it was (and is).  I think Resurrection Sunday (today) is fully appreciated when we reflect on the sacrifice Jesus made.  The miracle of Jesus rising from the dead is made even more astounding because of what Jesus took on for us. 

Isaiah 53:4-6 ~ "Surely he has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows; yet we esteemed him stricken, smitten by God, and afflicted. But he was pierced for our transgressions; he was crushed for our iniquities; upon him was the chastisement that brought us peace, and with his wounds we are healed. All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned—every one—to his own way; and the Lord has laid on him the iniquity of us all."

The following story came from Devotions for the Children's Hour by Kenneth N. Taylor:  It impacted us this morning, so I wanted to share...

Long ago, when men in the army did not do what their officers told them to do, they were sometimes whipped with long, hard pieces of leather that would make their backs bleed.  Of course, that hurt very much.  One day a soldier living in a certain tent stole some money from some soldiers living in the next tent.

But the men would not tell which of them stole the money.  The officers told them they would all be punished.  Then a boy named, Willie, who was really too young to be a soldier, said: "Sir, punish me so that the other men in the tent will not have to be punished.  I did not take the money, but I want to be punished for the man who did take it."  

The leader was sorry, because Willie had not stolen the money and should not be punished.  But the officer finally decided to whip Willie.  

They tied Willie to a tree and took off his shirt.  Then the officer began to whip him.  The big whip cut deeply into Willie's back, but he did not scream.  Again the whip came down, and there was another deep cut in his back.  

A third time it came down, and then one of the men jumped forward.  "Stop, stop!" he said, "I stole the money.  Do not whip Willie anymore.  Whip me instead."

But Willie said, ""No.  He has already whipped me, and he cannot whip you now.  I have taken your whipping for you."

And so they let the man who had stolen the money go free and did not whip him, because they had whipped Willie instead.  

That night Willie died, because he had been hurt so much.  

Perhaps this helps you just a little to see how it was that the Lord Jesus Christ - the One who made the heaven and the earth and you and me - came down to earth and was punished so that you could go free.  

Have you thanked Jesus for dying for you?

We started a new tradition this year...Resurrection Baskets!  We don't want to take away the innocence and fun of holidays for our children, but we have chosen not to celebrate the "Easter bunny" and some of the traditions that we were doing because it had "always been done."  This is where God is leading our family, and we respect other families decisions to make different choices.

So, for the Resurrection basket, I found some neat printouts that could be put around candy.  I was behind because of Adalynn being sick, but I did manage to print one that I wrapped around a Powercrunch bar, which Zeke loved!

You can't see the back, but he got a super hero cape!  I love the joy in his face because He is risen!

2 Corinthians 5:15 ~ "And he died for all, that those who live might no longer live for themselves but for him who for their sake died and was raised."

Looking forward to starting this devotion for our family devotions in the evenings

A fun puzzle with John 3:16

I forgot to get a picture of Adalynn's.  She had a little stuffed lamb that sings, "Jesus Loves Me"

After Adalynn woke up, we got them dressed and went outside for a little egg hunt.  They had a blast!

Too bright, Mommy!

She followed him everywhere!

Then, she got sick of hunting eggs

...and blocked the sun from her face

He found the tough to find camo egg.  Next year, I'll put money in that one!

No family picture this year, but you'll see Gregg below!

I told Gregg he didn't have to get dressed up, but I wanted a picture.
Now, as I write, Adalynn is napping and Gregg and Zeke are watching an elk hunting DVD.  We are humbled and in awe of this family God has created through us.  We desire to honor Him in all things and never forget His sacrifice.  

It is our prayer to know Him more and make Him known.  

Happy Resurrection Day to you all!!

Friday, April 3, 2015

Preparing our hearts for Resurrection Sunday

I wanted to share a few photos of the items we have placed around our home, in addition to the traditions we have begun, to remember the sacrifice Jesus made for us.  It is our prayer that Zeke and Adalynn will come to know Jesus as their Savior and never take His sacrifice for granted.

This sign reminds us of the great I AM!

These cards have verses to read beginning with Palm Sunday

Zeke and I began doing "Resurrection Eggs" last year.  It counts down 2 weeks before Resurrection Sunday.  There are items in each egg to explain to children what happened leading up to Jesus' crucifixion and resurrection.  The last one is a white egg that is empty symbolizing the empty tomb!

This year, we also did a study on the different names of Jesus.  Each morning I would hide a slip of paper that had one of His names such as, Messiah, Holy One, Friend, Cornerstone, etc.  We discussed what the name meant and read a verse that helped us understand.  We created a paper chain around a cross as you'll see below:

Today, "Good Friday," we have talked about the pain and suffering Jesus endured for us.  It is hard to think about it, but so important to remember with the hope of what is to come Sunday.

As we know...

Visiting Johns Creek

Before we headed to Johns Creek to visit family and friends, we had a few beautiful days in Americus.  The kids adore playing outside!

I dressed Adalynn in Sophia's dress from several years ago.  I'll post the picture of Sophia in it below!


We got to celebrate Wynna's birthday as a family.  She chose Cafe Sunflower because of their AMAZING chocolate layer cake.  We had fun even though the other restaurant guests were probably ready to see us leave!

Thursday, we met my mom and her Bible Study Fellowship friends for lunch at Roly Poly.  There were a couple of other little ones there too, as you see!

Next, we met Jami and Harper at the mall to shop and have lunch.  The kids had a blast in the children's play area!

Saturday, we had an extra special treat.  My dear friend, Kristen (from childhood), came over with her baby girl, Vega.  It was so fun to visit with her and meet her precious daughter.

Then, we got to celebrate Sohpia's 6th birthday at Red Robbin.  There was even a balloon guy there making designs for the kids!

Saturday night Gregg came to stay with us after a day of hunting in North Georgia.  What a huge blessing!  We all were able to go to church together on Palm Sunday.  Adalynn even had Jami and Jared as her nursery teachers and Harper in her class.  We celebrated together afterwards at the club for lunch too.

Back at Wynna and Papa's house, the kids enjoyed playing outside, especially running laps around their front garden!

As we got ready to head out the following Tuesday, Wynna and Papa played on the driveway with the kids for a few minutes.  Papa even shared Adalynn's little red umbrella.  What a sport!

(I can't seem to get those photos to upload, so I'll update later with those)