This is our modern day baby book! It is our prayer that years from now, Zeke and Adalynn will look back at the details of this blog and understand just how much we looked forward to meeting them and love them!

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Out of the mouths of babes...

Adalynn loves to talk and will carry on extended conversations...although, we have no idea what she's saying!  It sounds like, "Abohee mogozee yat atee mon," for example.  Be sure to read that with a lot of inflection!

I decided I would create a list of the things she does say with meaning.  Here we go:

Eeek (Zeke)
Papa (my dad)
Nynna (my mom)
Ahh-mah (almond butter)
Mo peese (more please)
Day-too (thank you)
Woof-woof (dog)
ow-sye (outside)
Nie nie (night night)
Pooh pooh
Uh-huh (yes)
Un-uh (no)
I see you
Quack quack

She's starting to repeat back what we say more often too.  She understands way more than we give her credit for.  I can say, "Adalynn, go turn off the noise machine in Zeke's room, please."  She'll walk in his room and press the button for his noise machine (white noise) because she knows how to do it and enjoys pressing it!

Enjoying the beautiful weather

Zeke has been keeping me entertained with the things he says, as usual.  He is on a jokes kick right now.  My dad told him one: "What did the big tomato say to the little tomato?  Catch up!"  Zeke loved that and came up with: "What did the big bear say to the little bear? Honey"

The other day, he asked me, "Mommy, when I was in your tummy, what did I do if there were no toys?"  Ha...I had to laugh and I explained that he was busy wiggling around and working on growing so he could come out and meet us!

The other day we were getting ready to leave and I was rushed.  He was messing with Adalynn and I had to discipline him.  He then said, "Mommy, you're just like Jesus.  I asked why.  He said, "Because you love me even when I disobey."  Wow...what a perfect reminder from my not even 5 year old!

He and I have been enjoying our mornings of homeschooling and Fridays with his homeschool group at our church.  Below you'll see them learning about Africa a few weeks ago and last week with their crafts from Asia.

Now I am NOT a crafty mom.  I honestly don't get out the crafting supplies as much as I should because I know there will be a mess.  However, I've seen how much Zeke enjoys little art projects, so I'm trying to give him opportunities.  We used to do nature studies at Perimeter Christian School, so I decided to try them with Zeke.  My mom mailed us a journal and paint set and we attempted our first nature study after a nature walk where Zeke picked up a white oak leaf.  I haven't labeled it yet, but you'll see it below:

He really enjoys painting because it gives him freedom to create even though he can't really form his letters easily yet.  He painted a picture for our friend, Cherian's, birthday and chose Matthew 7:7, which I added later..."Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you." 

It is hard to believe it is already November.  Gregg has been traveling quite a bit, but we are thankful for visits from my mom and time with our church family that makes it a little easier.

That's all for now.  Stay tuned for the recent pictures we had done of the kids on our last visit up to Johns Creek.  God bless!

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