This is our modern day baby book! It is our prayer that years from now, Zeke and Adalynn will look back at the details of this blog and understand just how much we looked forward to meeting them and love them!

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

September 2019

Visit to Johns Creek

We took a trip up to Johns Creek, in which Gregg ended up joining us.  It was a nice little family vacation.  I'm thankful to be able to bring their schooling with us when we travel.  We enjoyed seeing their cousins and Zeke and Lily Faith even got hair cuts.  

After church at the AAC playground

Handsome little man after his haircut

Sweet bob haircut

Hanging out with Sophia 

Back in Americus

We enjoyed our time away, but were glad to be back home.  We celebrated Nikita's birthday, enjoyed some time outside (although it's still hot here), and took some time to rest when we had colds. 
The kids with Nikita after we gave her a birthday necklace

I captured the girls on the monitor as Adalynn read to Lily Faith with a flashlight

Adalynn and I attended church that particular week as Zeke and Lily Faith were recovering from colds

We mounted Zeke's 1,000 piece puzzle of the University of Florida stadium.

Lily Faith playing with her dolls, Adalynn's dolls, and even my old doll

Now it was time for Adalynn and me to have haircuts

We found an Elmo head on clearance, which made her very happy

Helping Daddy by picking up pine cones in the yard and delivering them to the burn pile

Another week when just Adalynn and I attended church

Lily Faith wanted to join the photo in her pjs

A typical day when Daddy leaves for work.  He receives a lot of hugs!

Saved the best for last!

As we read and discussed a devotion at dinner, Adalynn asked me several questions.  This particular devotion told about how God designed our cells to be held together by a sort of glue called "laminin."  When you look at it under an electron microscope, it looks like a cross.  We talked about how we can think about the sacrifice Jesus made even when we look at and think about our own bodies. 

Adalynn asked me when we had church next because she wanted to be saved.  I told her she didn't have to wait.  She could pray anytime.  After talking to her some more (and talking to Gregg), we felt like she was ready.  She and I read through Romans 10 and she prayed to ask Jesus to be her Lord and Savior.  It was much like the experience I had with our home...on our couch.  Wow!  I can't express how grateful I am to have been a part of Zeke and Adalynn surrendering their lives to Jesus.  We can't wait to see how He writes Lily Faith's story too.  We are continuing to celebrate Adalynn's decision and disciple her to truly experience, love, follow, and serve God!

Earlier in the month we were at church and I noticed a visitor that looked like a football player,  I told Zeke, and he said he thought it was a player that Florida is recruiting.  After church, Zeke went up to this player.  He asked the player what his name was.  It was Zykeivous Walker and Zeke got so excited.  He treated him like a celebrity and told Zykeivous that he follows him on a recruiting website called 247 Sports.  Zeke told Zykeivous that he knew God would help him choose the right team and that God loves him.  We left and didn't see Zykeivous again.  

Later, Zykeivous' coach shared the tweet he'd written with us (see below).  Not only did Zeke's interaction with him impact him, but Zykeivous said it made an impact on his life that he'd never forget!  We never know the impact we might have on people we meet.  I'm so thankful my children hear from the Holy Spirit and have the boldness to speak when God leads.  I learn from them everyday!

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

August 2019

First Day of School 2019

We began our 6th year homeschooling (wow!) this month.  Zeke is in 4th grade and Adalynn is in 1st.  Lily Faith is technically in preschool, but most of her day consists of play, as I believe it should at this age!  She is learning her colors, sight words, and letters.  She loves learning alongside Adalynn too.  Zeke is really enjoying his reading curriculum this year, and Adalynn's favorite subject is math.

Our Dance Adventure

This year, the Lord called me to teach dance!  I honestly never imagined I'd be back in tights and a leotard at 39 years old, but here I am!  I'm teaching the 4 and 5 year old class, in addition to the 6 and 7 year old class.  Adalynn is in my second class.  Lily Faith is in the 2 and 3 year old class next door to me.  She has barely stopped talking about taking dance for as long as she realized it was an option.  She is having a blast and is adorable in her little leotard, tights, and ballet shoes.  I can't wait to see her in the recital.  

I am learning each week how to be a better instructor.  It is NOT as easy as it looks.  It requires a lot of planning, structure, and creativity.  I know God called me to this role for a purpose, so I look forward to seeing what He has in store.

Ready for class


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My 6 and 7 year old class during tap class

Tap across the floor

Adalynn having fun during freeze dance

Lily Faith's sweet little class

Practicing...melt my heart!

After church one Sunday

Ready for class another week

 Big girl changes

We potty trained Lily Faith this month as soon as we got back from my parents' house at the end of July.  Because she was doing so well, we decided to go ahead and move her into her toddler bed too.  Gregg took apart her crib and brought down Adalynn's old toddler bed.  We tucked her in and she went right to sleep.  She seems to love it and I know it's the next step for her, but I'm a little sad she's not in a crib anymore. 

End of August

Lily Faith was playing with foam letters and came to me with M and Y.  She said, "This spells my."  I'm amazed at what they pick up as they grow.  Zeke is continuing to progress in piano and is playing beautifully.  I love when he practices and fills our home with music.  As we close out the month you'll see a picture of the kids at a water fountain.  We stopped at Tanger Outlets on our way to Wynna and Granddaddy's, but more on that trip for the September update!


Playing "Here I am to Worship"

Ready to visit Wynna and Granddaddy

Friday, August 23, 2019

July 2019

Fourth of July

We honestly don't generally do much to celebrate the 4th, but we did get dressed up in our red, white, and blue!  We enjoyed a swim in our pool too!

Happy to be swimming

Visit to Johns Creek

We had several appointments scheduled in Johns Creek in July, so we headed up for a visit.  We enjoyed spending time with family and friends.  The kids are already asking me when we get to visit again!
Riding is tiring

Lunch after church at the Atlanta Athletic Club

Lily Faith decided she didn't want her picture taken

Being shy with Wynna at church

A little swim in Wynna and Granddaddy's pool 
Swimming at the Atlanta Athletic Club

Zeke convinced me to ride the water slide

Zeke having a blast

My friend, Lindsay, visited with her precious son, Benjamin

Back home in Americus

A brief moment outside in this extremely hot south Georgia weather

Our friend, Jen, refinished this antique desk for Zeke for school this year. It has been wonderful

We captured our house at sunset one evening.
That's all for now.  August has been extremely busy, so look for that post in a couple of weeks or so.  We continually thank God for the blessing of His love, presence, grace, healing, forgiveness, and so much more.  We pray you are blessed!