This is our modern day baby book! It is our prayer that years from now, Zeke and Adalynn will look back at the details of this blog and understand just how much we looked forward to meeting them and love them!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Contributing Writer

I wanted to write a quick post to let you all know that I recently became a contributing writer for  Here is the direct link to the post introducing us:

I will also be helping Sara, the author of when she takes a break for maternity leave in March.  I'm excited about the opportunity to write about topics that are close to my heart and possibly help a few mommies out there along the way while sharing my faith.

My first post (actually more controversial than I expected) went "live" on January 17th.  I wrote about scheduling babies as an alternative to demand feeding.  Here is the direct link:

I will try to let you all know each time one of my posts will appear over the coming months.  If you have time, I'd love to read your comments in the comments section of the blogs too.

If you have anything in particular you are interested in knowing more about, please let me know and I can see about writing a post on that topic.  Thanks so much and God bless!


Happy Birthday, Zeke!!!


January 19, 2012, Zeke turned two!  It seems like his first year passed quickly, but the second year went by in a flash.  We decided to celebrate as a family on his actual birthday.  I made him a chocolate mousse cake, got him a balloon, and we gave him his own flashlight (he loves his Dadda's flashlight).  It was the perfect evening for a two year old!



The weekend following his birthday, we drove down to a cabin on the Georgia/Florida border (we literally could stand with one foot in Georgia, and one in Florida!) to spend the weekend with Jimmy, Maria, Nick, Krissy, Leah, Gregory, and Stacey.  Gary had to work and Dadder Poo and Chella didn't feel up to the drive.  Debbie was out of town.  Aside from missing them, it was an amazing weekend together that we will always cherish.

The cabin

I love this!

Sweet Leah took great care of Zeke!

Hangin' with the men!

He adores Aunt Stacey and I think the feeling is mutual!

Krissy was great with him too!

Mommy/daughter time

Exploring with cousin Gregory

The yummy cupcakes I had made locally in Acworth

Zeke didn't actually eat it (too much sugar), but it made a good picture!

New toys!

So sweet!

Breakfast before we had to leave : (


The kiddos (minus Zeke)

I took Zeke to his two year well-visit and everything is going great.  He weighs about 33 pounds and is 35 3/4 inches tall.  That makes him in the 96th percentile in weight and 84th percentile in! 

We are slowly transitioning off of his "mush."  Those of you that know us well know that is the food we feed him based on Dr. Denmark's recommendations.  It's a combination of meat, beans, veggies, fruits, and grain.  He has been enjoying the new tastes and textures.  His first "table food" was organic puffs (rice puffs).  He will eat those non-stop if we'll let him.  I'm working on a batch of homemade granola right now to replace the puffs.  It is much more nutritious!

Next, he tried his birthday cake (all whole food ingredients) and continually said, "Mmmm."  I was thrilled!  He loves eggs and baked oatmeal for breakfast.  Last night I fixed "crocodile nuggets" which are baked nuggets made of chicken, veggies, eggs, and grain.  He loved those too.  It is fun to introduce him to new things, but I know it will be more challenging to get him to eat a balanced meal like he did with his mush!

All in all we are having a great start to the new year.  The weather has been strange here, so we've had many opportunities to play outside, which Zeke loves.  I think he'd stay outside all day if I'd let him.  We continue to thank God for Zeke, his good health, and the blessing that he is to us.

He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say to the LORD, “My refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust!” (Psalm 91:1-2)